Models and bloggers alike have been spotted sporting the lace-up trend. Angel Alessandra Ambrosio no doubt, has also taken to these statement worthy pieces. Although as the fashionable supermodel she
We’re in a whole new era where the saying, “Don’t wear white after Labor Day” is well outdated! White on white is a staple for summer wardrobes and it carries
We have all been guilty of this crime…running errands in sweats. Not that everyday has to be a fashion show, but it takes minimal effort to look presentable, if not,
We may not always know why we choose to give our hearts to certain boys. We have doubts about the shoes we bought out of impulse. Our dance moves might
Spent. Word of the day. You spent a lot of money on gifts. You’re spent from 2013. You’ve spent too much time staring at your closet wondering, “What in the
The LBLD Every woman should have an LBD in her closet. But in case you feel a snoozefest coming on with old faithful, the LBLD [Little Black Lace Dress]
One trend this summer we are not over? Overalls! The laid-back, grunge trend of the 90s is back. And this time it’s packing a stylish punch. Even Nylon Mag’s Blog